Buying Guide

15 Types of Sheds: Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right One

victorian shed

The global market for outdoor storage sheds will reach a whopping $10.2 Billion by 2030. In the 21st century, sheds are more important than ever. Whether it’s for storing your gardening tools or Christmas decorations, they help us manage our excessive products in a storage room. Many shed types serve as an additional storage area.

However, they also serve as a room for growing plants, creating an art gallery, and a lot more. That’s why, we’re covering different shed types for various use cases that are going to be perfect for your needs.

This guide covers different types of sheds and shed styles that will ultimately serve your preferences and needs.

Material-Based Sheds

There are three most popular materials when it comes to sheds based on materials. These are plastic, metal, and wood, and they are also the most popular types of sheds used in commercial homes.

1. Plastic

Patiowell 4x6 Plastic Storage Shed Backyard

Plastic sheds are the most common types of sheds due to their versatility and applications. They are typically designed for small storage needs but are fairly easy to customize. These sheds come in many shades, textures, and sizes, which makes them high quality.

Moreover, plastic sheds are also moisture, rot, and insect-resistant, making them ideal and budget-friendly shed solutions. At Patiowell, we have more than 10 sizes of plastic sheds available in different shapes and sizes.

Whether you’re looking for a simple shed to put your gardening tools or a wide plastic shed to keep your art supplies and other materials, we’ve got you covered.

Check out our plastic sheds today!

2. Metal

6x4 metal storage shed standing in the backyard

Metal is one of the most common shed types available in the market. They are usually made of steel or aluminum and are quite durable when it comes to usage. They are also low-cost and provide you with an industrial look in your backyard.

One of the biggest advantages of metal sheds is that they can easily withstand the harshest environment without breaking down while keeping your valuables safe inside. Moreover, they are also easy to clean and recyclable, making them eco-friendly.

At Patiowell, we cover some of the highest-quality sheds that are affordable and durable. Our collection of 10 metal sheds allows various designs that will allow you to keep your valuables safe and sound.

Check out our Metal Storage Sheds catalog today!

3. Wood

Another common shed type is wood and it is the most ready material available. When it comes to sheds, wood is generally the safest bet for most people. That’s because a wood shed easily blends in with your home design, especially if it has a wooden design.

Wood sheds come in a variety of sizes, designs, colors, and shed styles, making them very versatile. Moreover, they are also easy to customize as you can paint and even add decorations.

However, one con of wood sheds is that they require lots of maintenance and if not done correctly. For example, they can get mold and even rot if not treated.

Roof Style Sheds

There are different styles of sheds and one of the most popular ones is the roof-style sheds. Different sheds have different roof styles and some of them are listed down below.

4. Lean-To

A lean-to shed is one of the most popular shed types due to its mono-slope design. Just like the name suggests, it features one slope on the roof. This allows more head space in the storage unit, allowing you to put more things while simultaneously catering to different weather conditions like rain.

The lean-to design is fairly easy to build and is also quite popular as a home DIY project. In other words, an average homeowner can enjoy this type of shed while ensuring they are building it themselves.

5. Gable

Gable style sheds are known for their clean lines, great storage spaces, and a sloping surface. They resemble our usual homes which makes them quite popular in general. Moreover, the slop peaks in the middle of the center of the shed, giving it a home look.

Many homeowners use it as an attic space for extra storage.

The gable shed is fairly popular for things like storing vehicle parts, cycles, gardening tools, and more.

6. Barn

Barn style shed is one of the most popular designs in the outside area. It features a roof with two different slopes, giving it an old-fashioned barn look that is quite eye-catching for more homeowners.

It is one of the most popular shed styles due to its versatility and extra headspace that can be used to put in more items. Interestingly enough, modern-day engineering has improved the wood quality to the level where we have many variants of the barn shed style.

From sliding doors to water-resistant ones, the possibilities are limitless.

7. Flat

For fans of minimalism, the flat shed style is amongst the most popular in today’s world. It has no slope by a flat design. These sheds are simple to use and most people can build them themselves.

However, the flat shed comes with one major issue. Its design is bad for things like rain or snow, making it less versatile than other types of sheds.

Architectural Shed Designs

Interestingly enough, some shed types incorporate the design of popular architectural marvels. In recent years, they have been garnering more and more attention. Here are some of the popular architectural shed types.

8. Victorian

Victorian sheds are all about elegance! They are often considered as a gable shed upgrade while keeping the same frame design. However, one unique thing about the Victorian-style shed is that they have more features and customizations.

If you want your property to have a unique shed that will catch most eyes, then the Victorian-style shed is the perfect fit for you.

9. New England

The New England shed style is quite popular for its traditional home design. It is a mini-version of a classic England household, which is quite interesting. Moreover, this shed is also known as an upgraded version of a gable shed, offering you a lot of storage while making your outdoors visually pleasing.

10. Modern

The modern shed styles are quite popular with minimalist lovers. This type of shed comes with a rectangular shape with a simple and minimal design. Moreover, this shed style also features large windows with an attractive roof design that is eye-catching.

Most homeowners also customize the interior of the modern shed styles to make them more interesting and modern. This type of shed is usually made of wood or metal and is quite popular for art studios, workshops, or even home offices.

Application-Oriented Shed Styles

Some shed styles have a specific use. They are built for a certain task and their design, interior, and virtually everything caters to the task they’re built for.

11. Greenhouse Shed

A greenhouse shed is quite unique due to its rather transparent design. Just like the name suggests, it is popular for growing crops while ensuring that the heat comes in but doesn’t go out. Special types of windows and glass are used in the greenhouse shed and their main application is to grow plants or crops.

Moreover, greenhouse sheds are quite useful in winter since they can trap heat and still nurture your plants, making them a popular shed choice for gardeners.

12. Firewood Storage

The firewood storage shed style is a must-have for winter. Throughout the world, people use firewood for their homes to keep them warm. However, as the winter and cold breeze come, it can ruin the wood, which is where the firewood storage shed comes in.

This shed can keep your firewood inside and protect them from rain and snow. Moreover, their design resembles strikingly to the lean-to roof for fast access and coping with snow or rain.

13. Garage Shed Hybrid

Garage sheds are one of the most common shed types all over the world. They are known to store vehicles such as cars or bikes and minimize the risks of getting your valuables stolen. Moreover, this type of shed is popular if you already have an attached garage since it extends the capabilities of your current space and enhances it for better storage space.

14. Tool Shed

We have many tools in our houses. Whether they are gardening-related or something as simple as electric, they need a space to be put in. Most people have their tools scattered around the house and that’s where the tool shed aims to solve your issue.

It has ample space for putting all your valuable tools which frees up space in your garage or basement for other things like putting a bicycle in.

15. Studio

A studio shed style has a minimal design and comes with a very modern look. This usually forms a workspace or a place for chilling, enjoying a cup or tea, or playing some sort of game with your friends.

The studio shed has more of an open design with polished walls and floors while containing things like plumbing, electricity, lights, and a lot more!

Final Verdict

Having a shed is an essential part of homes nowadays. It helps in the organization of various tools, and products, and even provides a safe space for your personal hobbies. If you’re looking for your dream sheds then you can check out the catalog of high-quality sheds at Patiowell.

Diana Mason

Hi there! I’m Diana Mason, the chief editor of Patiowell brand. With over 15 years of diving deep into the world of outdoor furniture, I’ve developed a keen eye for what makes outdoor spaces truly special. I love sharing tips and inspiration to help you create your perfect backyard retreat. Our blog is a reflection of my passion and expertise, featuring only the best pieces that I personally vouch for. Thanks for stopping by—I can't wait to help you transform your outdoor living space!

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